Monday, October 31, 2011

Back at it

Well it's a rainy Monday and it's Halloween, wow that is truly scary combination. lol  But I am excited to get back into the swing of my  routine today after a few days lay off with a bit a foot problem.  But today all is well and I can resume doing what I do.  You know scales are one of the funniest pieces of equipment ever created to do such a simple task as tell you the weight of an object.  They will in fact lie to you like nothing else, they don't care how much work you put in how good you ate they can be your best friend or your worst enemy.  I have been working hard for the last three weeks and that darn scale  simple won't budge and then I hurt my foot and am forced to take a few days off I step on and I have lost 5 pounds in 6 days. I'm very happy about that yet very confused, so now i'm sitting a mere 9 pounds from another major milestone.  That being for the first time in many years leaving the 300 pound club for the last time. I think there is a certain stigma attached to certain weights isn't there whether you are male or female there are tipping point weight that tend to put you in a category that society sees differently.  All of this is extremely unfair yet it's how others tend to view you this is why I think people hold their weight as such a closely guarded secret especially women.

Today is a day that a larger than normal amount of will power is needed for a lot of people when it comes to what we eat because today a staggering amount of my number one enemy will stare us all in the face, SUGAR. Yes I dearly love my old friend sugar  oh the good times we have had over the years oh yes sugar and her sexy cousin corn syrup and I have a long and checkerd past.  But however I can tell you now for a fact that there is indeed hope for all of us who are in these unhealthy relationships with these two banes of my exisistance  and that is like any other relationship where one side is abusing the other the abused has to simply walk away and never look back.  That's what I have done over the last 6 months and it was hard at first especially when so many ads bombard us all day every day to run back to the horrible clutches of those two.  It takes a tremendous amount of will power to walk away from something you enjoy so much even if it hurting you and that's why so many fail to leave them no matter if they are people or things.  But I guess my point is don't let Halloween trip you up if you are trying to quit something like sugar  just because ads have convinced us today we should gorge on chocholate  and candy just think if you can give up candy on Halloween the rest of the days will be easy. ( actually that's not really true but it sounds good right)

Well today I get back going on my exercise regimine back to gym for my Monday double hitter  I work out with Ulrick and Jen for 2 hours.  Then after a short dinner break salad of course I go back to do something that is proubly hard to believe for those of you who know me, I do a Zumba class.  Now I will fully admit I am not nearly the most competent  Zumba dancer in the class but I have fun with it  ( okay the second not whole truth of the today's blog, I really suck lol)  But for me with Zumba I wasn't afraid to try it and I get the benifit  I need to get from it.  That's what  you have to do Just get over your fear and live life, and now you can say if Don can do Zumba I can do whatever it is i'm afraid to do.

Well what ever your relationship is with sugar have a Happy Halloween.  Thanks to all of you who have made all the nice comments on the first few attempts at a blog. I hope to have some pictures up soon of some of the before and current me and some others and don't forget to click follow at the top of blog for the latest updates.  Have a great day and remember even on a holiday you can still be Fit.


  1. Hey Don I just wanted to say how amazing it is for what you have done for yourself. Over the years I never once thought of anything that could happen to you like diabetes, heart attack, etc,etc... But instead you were always my "big uncle Don". Until recently when I heard of all the weight you have lost I thought "wow!"That and was shocked at the same time. So im pretty proud of you for what your doing and keep up the good work! If there's anyone who can do it its you.

  2. Thanks Josh I really appreciate it bud. How do you like the blog so far. Become a follower of it

  3. love the blog lets see if I can get on it..

  4. yea I am on the blog!!! I went to a new exercise class today Don, first time in 15 yrs or more. I liked it,we even did a little Zomba. Joel and I are going to get back on track with our eating habbits too. you are a great influence on us. we are behind you all the way!!!!

  5. hey Don, awesome blog. I'd like to make a suggestion if I may. I think that we'd all like to see more of you. Perhaps a before and after shot, or maybe even a video post or 2. Think about it...
