Sunday, November 6, 2011

Time to turn back the clock

So good Sunday to everybody today.  So by popular demand I'm finally posting the before pictures these pictures where taken right at the start of my road towards fit at the beginning of April. My weight in these shots is 420 pounds and my BMI would not even read on the meter, my body fat was over 60% which is really off the charts.  My belly measured at the belly button was over 62 inches which means we could not even close a standard 60 inch measuring tape around it.  It is truly hard to describe what it felt like to be that heavy even for someone like me who is 6 foot 3 carrying around that much extra weight is like having an anvil tied around your neck.  But the worst part about realizing what it's like is you don't realize it till you start to make it disappear , cause even with weight you don't know what you got till it's gone or at least going.  So here are the pics first from the front then from the side.

So I'm not at all very proud to show you these pic's now but it's so important to know where you came from  if you are to know where you are going.  So be sure to always mark where you are if you decide it's time to start moving towards a new healthy lifestyle take some pictures of you and say this is me at the heaviest I am ever going to be and measure yourself to you know how big you are and write it all down you don't have to show anyone but you will be glad you have something to measure against later on.  I'm not yet at my goals I'm right here on the Journey to fit with you with miles to go in front of me too.  But I'm very proud to look over my shoulder at the miles I have left behind me and the me I will never see again.  So keep two sets of pictures in mind both who you were and who you want to be because both can motivate you and any motivation is good.

Well last night we turned our clocks back an hour like we do this time every year, but instead lets all start turning back the clock with ourselves and our health by taking those steps to getting toward the people we want to be.  Well there you have it the before me I have plenty more upon request to if you need further proof, lol  Thanks to those who have shared the blog it is going along great.  , feel free to leave a comment here you don't need to have a google account or anything just choose NAME/URL type a name to post under click OK and type your message and it will post it.  Well everybody have a great Sunday and get out there and take another step towards FIT.


  1. Turning the biological clock towards better health is best accomplished by taking control of our own present situation. By simply acknowledging, accepting, and taking action steps to undo certain habits we can move into a healthy lifestyle. Thank you Don for your great determination.

  2. I'm so proud of you son, because I know that it must have been hard to post the (before) pictures. Looking at you now, makes it so great though, and very inspiring for everyone to see that, it can be done. I don't have to say, keep up the good work, because I know you will.
