Thursday, November 3, 2011

It all starts with just an idea.

Good morning everybody, well it's Thursday and night one of filming went very well and was a lot of fun. I would like to thank everyone who turned out for the filming of the Zumba class is turned out great.  Today we are back at it getting more shots of us working out and using the FIT products that we do on a daily basis.  It is really going to be a cool product in the end when it is all put together I can't wait to see the final product and share it with all of you.

Here's some of my new look.

It really dawned on me how amazing all of this is that is happening to me now and all of things that I have going on and it all started with just a little spark of an idea just over six months ago.  All I thought was " Hey maybe it's time to become a little less fat" just drop a few maybe walk on the treadmill a little bit.  Now  112 pounds later I'm sitting here writing a blog, endorsing products, doing film shoots and more.  That's why I stress to all of you the power that making even a small change and turning it into a huge result so others might see it and be inspired by you.  It seems we live in such a negative time right now with seemingly everybody always saying how bad things are and how things can only get worse.  Well if that's the way you think constantly Ill only give you one guess whats going to happen to you.  Make a change you can control, like your health and fitness you can improve your health your life and your entire outlook by  making a few small or large changes.  That's really what my challenge is all about for you to think about that one small or large thing that you can do today that will make a big difference on your life because I'm here as your proof that it can happen for you too in a big way.  All one needs is a good positive spark to get us motivated and once you get rolling things will happen but the hardest part I know is getting out of ones rut.  It's natural not to want to leave what's a comfortable  path we get on the foods we eat that are bad for us, maybe drinking too much or smoking it all just blends into the background eventually and you don't notice it.  To notice it, change something and see how you feel see how your body reacts and it will, I promise.

So everybody think about it today about what your spark needs to be to ignite that powder Keg that will blow you all the way to a Healthier, Happier person we all aspire to become. It's never out of reach only an unstarted journey.  Well as always I want to keep hearing from all of you about what your sparks should be so let us know here on the blog by leaving a comment it's easier than you might think just a few steps I swear, lol  Thanks to those who have clicked share on the facebook link so far, if my facebook friends could just click the share button on the link I post so we might be able to find out what even more people's sparks might be.  Well make it a great Thursday everybody and Please take another step towards FIT.


  1. I'll tell ya what, last night I did one small thing as Don challenged... and I had a blast. I worked out and then stayed to support Don by doing the Zumba class. OMG Ulrick, Don's trainer, friend, and the Zumba instructor..kicked my butt. LOL That man has more moves then a belly dancer on power drinks. It was my first class and I was going right when he was going left, but I was smiling the whole time, and getting one great workout.I highly recommend taking his class, or any one that is close to where you live.You will really work up a sweat, so be ready. Also, I'd like to add that If "I" can do it, then you'll be just fine.
    PS. I'll say it again... I's so proud of you son.

  2. WOW Thanks Wanda, looking forward to seeing you on Monday night.

  3. What true inspiration !!!
    keep it flowing don.

  4. Well i think i might be blogging FINALLY !!!!
