Saturday, January 21, 2012

FIT Challenge Update

Well Happy Weekend everyone I hope everyone is well this Saturday. Well On my last post I asked for your help and let me just say wow have you guys ever answered  in a huge way as I write this we are closing in on 300 votes and are well on our way to launching me into the Finals of the FIT Challenge and I am super excited about that.  The last few days have been such a humbling experience for  me as these votes come in and to see all of the comments and those of you who shared the links and shared your support of me and my story with your family and friends.  When I started this I was just a fat guy trying to lose weight and I never even in my wildest dream would have believed that I could turn that into all of this with this challenge  and the vote and the commercials and all that has happened.  So as I have always done I want to thank all of you who helped motivate support and keep me going so I could get the results I have earned and put me into the position I am in now.  But my hope of hopes beyond any prize or title is as it has always been to help you and those that you care about to improve your health and to find that spark you need to start living the healthy fun life you deserve to live. You know I was asked a great question the other day and it was after all of your weight loss so far what have you most learned?   The more I thought about it  I always came back to the fact that now I understand the only difference between Fat and Fit not just Fat and Skinny but Fat and Fit is that it is a willful choice to be in either group you choose to be Fat and you choose to be Fit.  The people who look good who have nice toned bodies and are in good shape didn't just get that way by accident they made it happen through hard work and smart choices.  Conversely Fat people choose to not work hard at looking good or being in good shape and make choices they know are bad but they willfully make them anyway.  It has taken me these nine months to see that  difference it has taken me to the point I am at now which is a point in between Fat and Fit to see the two distinct groups and what it takes be be on either end of the spectrum and now and for the rest of me life I have to make a willful decision to  get in the Fit group and stay in the fit group but i choose knowing the work is hard and the decisions are difficult but from here as they say I can see the promised land of good looking Don and I'm never turning back.

I just wanted to take a minute to congratulate all of the other semi finalists in the FIT Challenge there are some folks who have accomplished some amazing things and have worked really hard to get where they are now.  Believe me I know how hard they have worked and what a 180 they have done with their lives to make it this far,  so great job FIT Semi Finalists one and all we are truly all masters of our own future and on our way to FIT.

So as we continue to get out the vote I encourage each of you to take a few minutes to check out the website for the FIT it is truly a great  system and over the last few months I have thought about my answer to when people inevitably ask me what is the FIT and in short I can answer in 2 works, A lifestyle.  It isn't just a diet and it's not a miracle drug for weight loss it's a system of products to  help you do what I'm doing in my blog title get from Fat  to FIT. Which means lose pounds of body fat and build pounds of lean muscle that makes you look good so look at my pics and the pics of the other FIT Challenge Semi Finalists  what more proof do you need it works and it can change your life.

So thanks so so much for all your hard work these last few days  and if you haven't voted please do as soon as read this it takes just a few seconds on facebook just click on my picture on my link then click like.  You can also vote by email by sending an email to just say you are voting for Don Olinger it's that simple.  So thanks so much for checking out the blog today and for continuing to grow and share our message as we inspire people to get Fit in 2012. Have a great weekend everyone and please take a moment to get out the vote I can use each one and I really appreciate every vote so keep voting then get out this weekend and take another step towards FIT.

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