Friday, November 18, 2011

The building of Don version 2.0

Well Happy Friday everyone we finally made it to the end of another work week here on the cusp of the Holiday season with Thanksgiving less than a week away.So how with five days of effort behind us how many of us have managed to accomplish what we set out to do this week. I continue to move right along this week towards my goals this week as I am having a good week diet wise and exercise wise just putting in the time and effort and waiting on the payout, but isn't that life ya no matter what you do.  Yesterday we started a new Facebook home for so whether you are  a friend of mine personally or not  come check us out on Facebook just search and like our page so you can get the latest links and info. In addition to that yesterday I found out my training for my 5k race is about to get ramped up in a big way.  Our gym Downtown Health and Fitness is starting a run- walk- jog club that I am going to be a part of, it will be every Wednesday evening  at 5:45 PM  we will leave from the gym and cover a 3 mile course just going at whatever pace is comfortable for you ending at a downtown Kissimmee cafe for a light dinner and drink specials and this week to kick things off they have some special prizes and gifts lined up for all participate that you will get along the way. So I would like to ask all of Kissimmee area readers to come out and join us next Wednesday and challenge yourself to a run or a nice walk along Lake Toho or you can just come to support me and drink wine what ever works for you but it would be cool if you would walk with me on my team. So if you would like more info drop us an email or call the gym at 407-201-7968.

So today by popular demand I have some more of what you have been asking for Pictures here are two both from this year that I think demonstrate the difference I have seen in the last seven months the first shot is from March and the second is from October.

You know it is actually a lot harder to notice weight loss in ones own self than it is for someone else to notice it in you it took me a long time before I finally started to say " Hey you know I think I might actually be getting a little smaller"  I guess you just get so used to seeing yourself in the mirror everyday and in pictures that it takes longer to notice.  The first picture was taken in march at my cousin Laura's wedding and I weighed approx 420 pounds that was about 2 weeks before I started the change my life.  The second pic was from our trip to Utah just about a month ago and I weighed  310 pounds and check the huge progress of my smoking hot wife has made in this time as well. But really as they say in the software world I have set out to design Don version 2.0 just like with software I am aiming to take out the things that didn't work and were holding me back and maximize and make better the things that are. Remember it is never to late to design a Your name Version 2.0 also no matter what problems you think are too bad it's never too late to change and make a new you that is better than ever. It's not easy just as a software engineer will tell you and you always worry what people will think of the new version but you press on anyway and continue to make it better and better despite that fear of the unknown and what will happen when I get there what will it all look like. Finally a non star wars movie quote for ya this time from another of my favorites " Joe vs. the volcano" it's where Tom Hanks and Meg Ryan's characters and standing on the precipice of a spewing volcano and they are being told to jump in and  Meg Ryan tells him " I don't know what will happen, we will just jump and we will see, just jump and see"  That is another of my favorites that I think of often the last few months cause that is what we did we jumped and we are seeing, that's what I did when I started this blog  I jumped and I saw.  If you get nothing else from what I write about get that please don't be afraid to just "Jump and see" it's the only way your ever truly going to know how the, you version 2.0 will ever turn out.  By the way for those of you who never saw the movie the characters get spit out of the volcano  and live happily ever after.

Well yesterday we crossed a huge Milestone here on the blog as we had our 1000th visitor who knows maybe it was you or even if you were number 997 thanks just the same it means so much that so many of you have taken the time to read what I write each day and share it with your friends and I truly hope there is some bit of inspiration in it for you because that is truly my intent of this whole thing.  Well as always thanks for stopping by, enjoy your Friday and remember "Healthy Rewards" people healthy rewards go back and read it if you need to.  We will see you tomorrow so get out there and  Jump and  See what it takes to take another step towards FIT.

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