Well a good Monday to everyone, I hope everyone had a nice long holiday weekend. I took a few days off from blogging to recharge my batteries and get ready for a big push this month as I try and close this year out strong. So today I'm starting over, last month seemed to be not nearly as successful as I had hoped, with everything that happened traveling, filming, illness and thanksgiving are now all behind me and today I am recommitting myself to making the next thirty days some of the most successful I have had. I didn't do too bad even during the worst of my slacking but still I feel over the last few weeks I have been really spinning my wheels at best and a slight back slide at worst. It's just a matter of letting life get in the way of my plans and losing focus on what I have been working so hard to achieve over the last seven months. So today I am vowing to myself and all of you that it's time to put the blinders back on and pull like mule and get this thing across the 2011 finish line strong and achieve my goal of weighing less than 300 by the end of the year. So today I'm back hitting the gym hard with the return of mega Monday as Ulrick as finally returned from his vacation so it's training then the Zumba class. I also hope to actually complete that 3 mile walk on Wednesday that I was supposed to do last week but didn't feel up to. So I've got some big fitness goals this week but most important for me I think it's just so vital that I get back in my routine and start making it happen again. You know as hard as it has been you wouldn't think I would miss it all but I have missed it terribly the last few weeks I have felt like I just was truck that has been climbing up a hill but now I'm just spinning my wheels, so it's time to grab a new gear and keep hauling this thing to the top.
Well as you can probably guess by my horrible report on how things have been going I have backslid slightly and am now at 310 up from 304 about four weeks ago, so that means I have 11 pounds to lose before that ball drops in Times Square to hit my goal of being sub 300 by 2012. But I am vowing to take these next few weeks and really work my ass off and try some new things to make this goal happen. One thing I need to work on is how much food I eat even when it is healthy I am going to try to work on portion control to try and cut my calories back another notch to help get that scale back falling in the right direction. Because one thing I have learned is that when dieting, to much of a good thing is a bad thing and I'm getting a little too used to heaping my dinner plate too high even with chicken and veggies. So it's time to try out some new plans and re commit to giving the tried and true ones a new commitment today.
So how have your plans been going the last few months did the double whammy of Thanksgiving and a long weekend of shopping and resting put you behind the weight loss eight ball. If so then it's time to be like me and put the past in the past and recommit to doing better these next few weeks and months so you can start your new years resolution off on a nice head start rather than starting from scratch then because it will just be harder if you fall further behind. So today I really want to hear from those of you who are making the tough choice to recommit your selves or commit for the first time.Will you work along with me on finishing this year out strong and making it happen the next few weeks? What changes do you need to make starting now what small change can you make starting now that you can squeeze in to your busy Holiday plans to will help you start 2012 off strong. Mine is the portion control and the recommitting myself to my workouts but what does yours need to be maybe even as small as cutting back on a few soda's a day until you can get off of them completely, whatever it is, it is never to small to make a big help down the road.
So thanks for coming back to the blog today and checking us out I will be sure keep everyone more up to date with my progress as I really try to make it happen for myself these next few weeks and post results and pictures along the way. So as always thanks for your comments and emails to fitdon2011@gmail.com and clicking like or share on the Facebook posts so the blog can go out to a wider audience and others might let us know of how they are going to make it happen the next few weeks. So today be like me and get out there and take a BIG step towards FIT.
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