Thursday, November 24, 2011

Happy Thanksgiving

Well let me start by wishing all of you a very Happy Thanksgiving today, I certainly hope that all of you have a chance to gather somewhere today with your family and friends and enjoy a meal and be thankful for what we all have.  I know this year I certainly have more than usual to be thankful for as it has truly been an extraordinary year  for me with all the changes and all that is going on.  But I just wanted to let all the people who are in my life on this day of thanksgiving know that I am most thankful for you the people who are helping me to achieve my dreams.  Nobody does it alone it takes other people to make it all happen, people who support and encourage me give me advice and positive feedback and won't let me fail.  So to all the members of team Don who do things great and small who have had a hand in my success this year know that this day as I sit over my {reduced calorie) plate it is you whom I am most thankful for this year as it is you who is giving me the greatest gift of all, giving me back my own life.  I am also thankful for all of you who come here each day and enjoy this forum it is very touching to me to know that my story has the power to inspire people to want to not only achieve some success for themselves in the battle against obesity but to it the right way and the healthy way. It has been a great few weeks and I thank each of you for choosing to come along with me so far and look forward to sharing it all with you down the road.

So as you gather together today to be with those you care about remember to take a moment and actually think about the meaning of this day what is it your thankful for, Just ask yourselves, I am truly thankful for_____? So what is it you would fill in that blank space think about it and and let us know here on the blog today's question is just that what are you thankful for this Thanksgiving no matter what I have already said mine so that only leaves yours. But in addition to writing it here if your thankful for somebody in your life your family or your friends be sure and tell them today tell them what they mean to you and how thankful you are that everyday they do what they do to make your life happen. Take it from someone who is quickly learning the value of surrounding yourself with quality people there is never a bad time to thank the ones who give of themselves to us with their time and their council the only bad word of thanks is the one that goes unspoken.

So today will be a challenge for me I know. Like most of you I too love Thanksgiving and all the trimming that go with it but I am determined to just do the best I can this thanksgiving weekend, because after all we all know the food will go on and all all weekend. I'm just going to try and reduce everything on my plate, enjoy what I eat but not eat to the point of bursting at the seems just till I'm full and stop. The good news I'm feeling quite a bit better today so I'm an track to get back on track and make up for the diet sins that I plan on committing today, lol  Remember watch those carbs they are what really gets ya more turkey less bread,  Even after your feast rather than take a nap try and get outside and take a nice walk if the weather will cooperate where you live today I know it is a gorgeous day in in Florida so take stroll around the neighborhood enjoy being with your family and work off some of those carbs.

Well thanks so much for stopping by today and once again Have a very Happy Thanksgiving and to those of you hitting the black Friday madness good luck I hope you find what your looking for and get out safely, lol  As always thanks so much for sharing the blog and clicking share on Facebook post to keep us visible on other people's walls. So today answer that question in the comment section what are You thankful for, let's hear it. So have a great day and holiday everybody and even on thanksgiving let's all take another step towards FIT.

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