Hi again everybody I hope every one's Wednesday is going good. Well after two days on our own I am doing pretty good still sticking to the diet and have been to gym both yesterday and Monday and walked 4 miles each day plus some weights. I decided to try very hard between now and thanksgiving to try my best to achieve a loss of four pounds without the aide of my trainer to see if I can do it myself if I can take what I have learned and turn it into results on my own. So now we are three days into your healthy goal that we are trying to accomplish this week, how's it going did you start out strong or didn't start to well, have you hit obstacles already but managed to over come them. Life will constantly throw us curve balls and challenges but the difference between whether we can accomplish even a small goal that just takes a week or fail to start at all is how we handle those unexpected curves. I have had so many obstacles along my path the last seven months I can't even count them but I just keep moving forward slow down if you have too but keep moving forward all the time. These next two weeks I really have a drive to accomplish my goal of losing 3-4 pounds by next weekend I have taken it as a personal challenge to be able do this on our own and prove to myself that I can do it if I try hard enough.
So whats fueling you this week to drive you towards achieving your goal you set for yourself this week? Is it a need to really turn your life around or is it just to see if you can do it. What ever your reasons are use them to fuel you towards your goals so you can block out those distractions and focus on accomplishing your goal this week. Another of my goals I have set forth for myself is by next spring I want to get myself in good enough shape to complete a 5k. There are several in the spring that I have my eye on and I am going to start training for after the start of the new year. From where I was seven months ago if you would have told me I would even consider entering a race where I had to jog for several miles I would tell you you were on something funny but now I feel like I can really get out their and accomplish those big goals. I am even thinking of starting a team to compete in a 5k race this spring and I want as many people to come and complete that race right along side me. We are going to start training for it in January and I want as many people has I can possibly get who read this blog to do this thing with me, come train with us and we can accomplish this big goal together by knocking out those 3 miles as a team, so the only question left is who's with me who's willing to take that step and join my team to get in shape to run that 5K next spring, let me know and we can make it happen.
So thanks so much for the great comments I have received so far. I made a few changes to the blog yesterday let me know what you think about the new color scheme and if I should go back to the old one I thought this one was more thanksgiving like also I changed the way the blog appears on fitdon.com you will only see the latest blog shown but you can always go back into the archives to read earlier posts. Well everybody make it a great Wednesday and think about your goal this week and if your willing to come and walk/ run with us so can all win. Well thanks for stopping in today and reading and sharing the blog don't forget about or email it's fitdon2011@gmail.com so feel free drop us a line. Thanks everyone and get out there and take yet another step towards FIT.
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